Wednesday 25 December 2013

Merry Christmas to you

Here it is, Christmas day. Can you believe it?! We wanted to take this time to wish you all a very merry Christmas and a fit and healthy year ahead for 2014. We also wanted to bring you all the news and highlights from 2013.

This years client highlights
A big one for us has been collecting up and finally publishing some of our "before" and "after" photos. They really show the hard work people have put in and also give us, as trainers, an immense sense of pride. They're not just about weight loss, they're about energy levels, skin clearing, self confidence and so many other factors that cannot be measured by photographs. However, the photographs are such a great way to look back and smile!

If we were to list individual clients in this post we could go on forever and ever but if you've been working with us this year or know someone who has you will know. So much weight loss, so much fitness improvement, so many physical and emotional challenges met. If you've challenged yourself then WELL DONE because you're already exceptional. Changing your body and improving your health is so important but it's not easy so massive well done to everyone who has pushed the limits this year.

Rachel's achievements
Rachel has had an amazing year, more than 12 months has flown since Rachel started at the studio and she's gone from strength to strength. Taking on more personal training clients, training to become a fitness pilates instructor and taking a weekly class on a Monday night. Becoming our first ever Earlsdon Bootcamp instructor and bringing a new lease of life to Monday bootcamp. Rachel works tirelessly and is booked on even more up and coming, exciting training courses next year including fitness for children. So watch this space! Rachel would like to thank everyone she's worked with and all her clients for working so hard, coming to her sessions and her classes and showing her just how rewarding working in the fitness industry is! Happy holidays from Rachel xx

Hannah's achievements
Hannah has had a crazy year. Ending work with the NHS last year and beginning studying Sport Massage Therapy, Hannah was MORE than ecstatic to pass her massage course in the summer of this year. It was a lot of hard work and study along side running the business and working with her lovely clients. It was a mental and physical challenge but putting into practise the last six months has been fascinating. Hannah really enjoys being able to help people out of pain and into movement and provide relief. One particular treatment of a lady who came in and couldn't raise her arm above her head, had treatment and regained 90% of movement just in one treatment - you don't get much more instant job satisfaction than that!
Hannah also completed her pregnancy massage course later this year and has enjoyed the quiet, relaxation of treating pregnant ladies in the therapy room at Lean Body Vision.

The last few months have been filled with planning and meetings and drawings and more meetings as we're planning to expand next year. We had the brilliant news yesterday that our Change of Use Planning application on a new premises has been fully accepted! We're not there yet as we're still negotiating on a new lease but it's a huge step closer. That has been a challenge but an exciting one and again - watch this space!

Hannah and Rachel have both completed courses this year from Vibe Cycle level 2, Fitness Pilates, Sports Massage Therapy and Pregnancy Massage to name but a few. Both Hannah and Rachel have multiple courses book next year and are always looking to better their knowledge and stay on top of the game to help you.

What's to come in 2014...
There are lots of exciting plans for next year from the new building, to kids fitness, our slimming club and everything in-between. We're also very much looking forward to April when we have a 56 strong team of bootcampers entered into the Wolf Run, a 10k obstacle and mud run! We will keep you posted on our facebook page and our blog so keep watching.
We'll be here in January with our detox programme, our bootcamp 4 days a week, our personal training studio 7 days a week and our Zumba, Fitness Pilates and Massage so get in touch and make this the year to treat your body how you should!

We'll leave you with our special advent burpee montage that we did for you all this Christmas. Take a few minutes and have a watch!


Friday 13 December 2013

Who on earth invented burpees?!

I get asked this question ALL the time. "Who the [insert relevant expletive] invented burpees?" followed after the next set by "Seriously Hannah, who would even think of such an evil [insert expletive] exercise?" And I laugh and say that they're not really evil and that everyone secretly loves them but that I don't know who invented them. Well, guess what? I decided to find out!

In case you've been deprived of burpees in your life, here is a video of me doing a few. 

There are lots of varieties of burpee and I took it upon myself to make an advent of burpees this year. Above is day 1 and there is a burpee every day of advent to follow! Check out our YouTube channel to view them all.

So it turns out, after all the jokes, there really was a Mr Burpee. Mr Burpee Ph.D infact, after he invented the 'burpee test' in 1940. I can't find out if he is still alive or not as I know lots of people want to egg his house but best to take it out on your personal trainer instead!! According to the ever reliable the fitness test was taken on by the US Armed services after this as it was deemed an excellent test of soldiers fitness.

So we're told to credit Mr Royal H Burpee with all the fun and joy burpees have brought to us  and to all the generations ahead of us!

In reading about burpees I also stumbled across the BURPEE MUSEUM! I got incredibly excited and just before booking my flights to the states was horrified to read further it's nothing to do with burpees in exercise form and is a historical museum (which i'm sure is excellent). I was thinking it would have made the perfect Christmas party for everyone at Lean Body Vision! Never mind!

So, whatever you think of burpees and however evil they may be, it's not my fault, I didn't event them, but I do think they're ACE! An exercise that works your whole body, spikes your heart rate in an instant and means your face is out of sight from your trainer, if only for a few seconds, so you can swear under your breath, scowl and curse to your hearts delight before bouncing up into the next jump!

So what are your favourite burpees? I mean, if you had to pick? With press ups? With dumbbells, kettle bells, TRX? Maybe lifting and throwing your personal trainer in the air? Here's one of my favourite...

Why? Because it makes me think i'm just a little bit more like Jessica Ennis than I actually am!

HAPPY BURPEES EVERYONE and thank you to Mr Burpee for enriching all our lives so. We salute you!

Hannah Johnson
Cheif Catalyst at Lean Body Vision
Tweet me @leanbodyvision

Tuesday 19 November 2013

Avoiding the buldge this Christmas

As a personal trainer, Christmas is one of the hardest periods to help my clients stay focused and eat well. Along side Christmas having meanings of religion, family and giving, a huge modern focus is on over indulging, eating to excess and moving less.

It’s these aspects that can often lead to some serious weight gain in the festive period. So, here are my tips for beating the bulge this festive season.
1. Christmas is one day, not two weeks. Whatever treats you might line up and traditions you might have, one day won’t sabotage but two weeks might. So don’t go over board.
2. The Christmas shop. This is the most important part of any healthy eating plan but even more important at Christmas. You’ll be bombarded with “two for one”, “BOGOF” and “Christmas specials”. Write a list, stick to your list and don’t buy the tin of chocolates JUST because of it’s “never seen before” special offer.
3. KEEP MOVING. A family walk on Christmas day or boxing day bike ride are actually lovely ways to spend time together (British weather permitting!). So get the new scarf and glove set on and get outside over Christmas. You will not regret it!

4. Avoid all-you-can eat buffets if you’re on a Christmas party. They’re a disaster waiting to happen! (Click here to read our blog on All-You-Can-Eat buffets!)

5. Drink plenty of water. Sounds obvious but people forget. Spread the alcohol out with h2o and also make sure you don’t over eat due to thirst.
6. Don’t wait for  the new year to make resolutions, change happens when you begin, that can be a Tuesday, a bank holiday or any day in between! Set some goals, get someone on board with you and get to it!

Remember, any situation at any time, you have a choice, so make them wisely. A little treat won’t be what makes you need to loosen the belt another notch but a few weeks of bad choices will. Enjoy time with your family and friends, eat well and keep moving!

Hannah Johnson
Chief Catalyst at Lean Body Vision 

Tuesday 5 November 2013

The danger of the ALL-YOU-CAN-EAT-BUFFET!

If you're like me, you get excited about food and when you make plans to eat out you think about all the lovely things you can have and occasionally catch yourself drooling about it...or is that bit just me?!
Now, I was brought up in a nutritionally conscientious house hold with good food and a positive message about eating my veggies and finishing my dinner. I'll be forever grateful for being brought up with good food and not having to battle with salt and sugar addictions but one thing I cannot handle is an all you can eat buffet. There are two forms these come into my life; 1: The modern day evening dining "get your monies worth" buffet or more commonly for me 2: The hotel breakfast buffet. Regardless of sort my eyes become larger at the mention of the buffet.

Now there are two issues for me with the buffet. The first is financial. You've paid for ALL you can eat right? You didn't pay for a plate full and you know that and they know that so it's almost a challenge from the offset? The second issue is simply greed I suppose! It's there, I eat and eat and then regret it!
I've even been known to do preparation before or after a buffet. Training twice that day. Having such a big brekkie you don't actually eat for what feels like weeks after because you're so full. My wonderful grand mothers trick of popping a few extras in my hand bag to truly get financial benefit (usually you keep these till they're stale/gone bad and then bin them but still you feel better for it!). It's all quite ridiculous!

So, as I see it, there are three options for people like me.
1. Never go near an all you can eat buffet!
2. Goal set - assess said buffet, choose your battle and do not exceed your goals!
3. Find a friend who can physically restrain you
4. Remember you need to a) taste and b) enjoy your food to actually get your monies worth. SLOW DOWN, chew your food and if you have to, sit on your hands between mouth fulls!

I have accepted it's a weakness in my life so option 1 is often best. It proves one of my first pieces of advice to clients - if it's there, you can be sure you'll eat it. So super market shopping and avoiding all you can buffets go hand in hand for importance of healthy eating and especially for weight management. All inclusive holidays clearly are the same issue but times by 7 or 14 days for impact. I've worked with clients who have come to me post holiday after putting over a stone on in two weeks on holiday! It proves, as humans, these situations cause issues! If you have those tendencies - don't book all inclusive!
It's important to mention the 80%-20% rule here. What's your 80%? Good or bad? It's also important to mention that not everyone suffers from All-you-can-eat buffet syndrome!

Till next time, stay away from the buffet (note to self!)

Hannah Johnson
Chief Catalyst
Lean Body Vision

Tuesday 22 October 2013

Lifting weights will make you hench, I just want to "tone up"

So, as a personal trainer, I have a larger percentage of female clients than male clients. Something I hear a lot in consultations is the phrase "I want to tone up". So, what does that actually mean? And Why are women so afraid of lifting weights? Is it the experience of going to a gym and the loud grunting/screeching/almost retching like sounds you hear? Is it the thought of a body builder in the back of your mind?

Well, let me say a few things. 1. You don't HAVE to shout when you lift weights but try it, sometimes it's quite satisfying!! The main problem is that the people you hear before you see in the gym, are usually young whippets lifting less weights than the girls but trying to enlarge their biceps through grunting. Now, I haven't done any clinical trials but i'm pretty sure, whilst grunting might promote some testosterone stimulation it won't be enough to get you jacked for life! 2. You have to work INCREDIBLY hard to look like a body builder. I'm talking six to eight meals a day (a lot of the time of chicken, brown rice a broccoli x 6), training twice a day six days a week and NEVER having that treat! If your training is close to that then we can talk. If you manage to squeeze the gym in three to four times a week between work and kids and you enjoy a glass of vino that the weekend then please, don't panic!

So, what is "toning up"? Honestly, scientifically there is no such thing. You have options with lifting weights but all of them involving creating a stimulus which exceeds your muscles current capabilities. Your muscles then goes through (very tiny - don't over dramatise this bit) tares in the sarcomeres of the muscles. These tares then repair (whilst you sleep and have you protein in take) and the muscle adapts to said load making you stronger. In doing this your muscle grows and adapts becoming larger. As your muscle grows in size it fills out in the skin becoming more visible creating what you might call a "toned" look. This is the same as building any kind of muscle but obviously there is a point where you stop trying to get "bigger" and maintain. For most people this is never an issue because life tends to get in the way of training and they balance what they can fit in with the time they have rather than if they do or do not want to gain more muscle.

One thing I'll always say to my female clients. If you ever get too ripped and can't handle your six pack or gun show....just STOP training and it will vanish before your eyes. To-date, that has not happened.

Check out this perfect squat!! Go on son!

So, ladies (and gents), if you want a pert backside, if you want "toned" arms and legs (if you still have to call it that) then lift weights. It increases your metabolism as your body adapts burning more fat, it feels great, it looks great and if you want to, it's the best excuse to scream and grunt!

PS if you're ever in the gym and surrounded by grunters, go and stand next to them and grunt even louder - it's very fun and they'll soon shut up (or you'll all get thrown out the gym!).

Till next time - lift some weights and stay lean.

Hannah Johnson
Personal Trainer

Wednesday 16 October 2013

Running (or lack there of!)

Introducing running...

For those of you who don't know me, my name is Hannah, I'm a personal trainer and sports massage therapist and director of Lean Body Vision, a Coventry based fitness company. Now, when people hear that information for the first time it's usually followed by one of the following three statements...
"Oh gosh, I need a personal trainer, i've got so fat the last year" OR
"Oh really, I went to...." (Followed by their past week or if you're lucky year of exercise classes/trials and tribulations) OR
"Oh you must be SO fit"
As amusing as they all can be, the latter is the focus of today's blog. People assume, that when you boss other people around and make the exercise (essentially that's what my job is) that someone also makes you really fit and more importantly really good at ALL forms of exercise. Now, whilst I have big beef with personal trainers who don't practise what they preach (that's a topic for another blog), i'm not actually good at all forms of exercise and dare I say it, I don't enjoy them all either. You know why? Because I too am human and therefore have the right to choose, be picky and moan just like everyone else! With all that information in mind i'll talk to you about my recent adventure of trying running....

How do you feel about running? Never tried it? Always wanted to? Tried it and hated or love it to death? People seem generally rather split but one thing I have learned is this. Most people's experience of trying running goes something like this;
Went for a run
Got out of breath
Got stitch after five minutes
Concluded running is rubbish
The main reason for this seems to be over gassing on the speed to start with and not pacing the run (due to enthusiasm).

So, i've done a bit of running here and there but was never really very good at it and didn't particularly enjoy it. A very good friend of mine is getting married this November and i'd noticed one too many Facebook status' commenting on how she would never get in her wedding dress. This friend of mine had mentioned to me before that she'd love to do a mud run/obstacle run. So one day, I text her and said, that's it, we're entering in a race. You're getting in your wedding dress and i'm going to challenge myself to something new. So, we entered the Shropshire Follies 10k Mud Run to take part in September 2013. My friend, with a renewed enthusiasm, found a training plan online and we decided how we'd handle running. We both went to a great running shop in Coventry called Coventry Runner, we got fitted for proper running shoes and off we went. We went slow, and I mean slow and we chatted the whole time. After a few runs we ran for 40 minutes. FORTY MINUTES I TELL YOU! I'd never run for that long and I actually enjoyed it.
So we persisted, only running a maximum of twice a week. I had various hurdles (no pun intended) injuring my hip after a long treadmill run (another first), which I then got treated by the osteopath and my friend injuring her knee after a hill run. Rest helped both but that doesn't stop the frustrating or the realisation that running certainly is high impact on the joints.
The day arrived and we drove to shropshire and do you know what? WE DID IT! We ran the whole 10k including huge hills, muddy water, step (after step, after step) and a lot of puffing and panting. Am I now going for a marathon? No. Did I enjoy it? Actually yes! And I would do it again.
Our muddy, post race shoes!

So, remember that your body gets as bored as your head so a new challenge is a great stimulus. If you want to run, start slow, get the right shoes (a must) and try the chatting test to keep it slow. It was nice to show myself that although I can't do any physical challenge that I too can put myself out my comfort zone like I ask my clients to!

Till next time.....
Hannah Johnson
Chief Catalyst at Lean Body Vision