Wednesday 16 October 2013

Running (or lack there of!)

Introducing running...

For those of you who don't know me, my name is Hannah, I'm a personal trainer and sports massage therapist and director of Lean Body Vision, a Coventry based fitness company. Now, when people hear that information for the first time it's usually followed by one of the following three statements...
"Oh gosh, I need a personal trainer, i've got so fat the last year" OR
"Oh really, I went to...." (Followed by their past week or if you're lucky year of exercise classes/trials and tribulations) OR
"Oh you must be SO fit"
As amusing as they all can be, the latter is the focus of today's blog. People assume, that when you boss other people around and make the exercise (essentially that's what my job is) that someone also makes you really fit and more importantly really good at ALL forms of exercise. Now, whilst I have big beef with personal trainers who don't practise what they preach (that's a topic for another blog), i'm not actually good at all forms of exercise and dare I say it, I don't enjoy them all either. You know why? Because I too am human and therefore have the right to choose, be picky and moan just like everyone else! With all that information in mind i'll talk to you about my recent adventure of trying running....

How do you feel about running? Never tried it? Always wanted to? Tried it and hated or love it to death? People seem generally rather split but one thing I have learned is this. Most people's experience of trying running goes something like this;
Went for a run
Got out of breath
Got stitch after five minutes
Concluded running is rubbish
The main reason for this seems to be over gassing on the speed to start with and not pacing the run (due to enthusiasm).

So, i've done a bit of running here and there but was never really very good at it and didn't particularly enjoy it. A very good friend of mine is getting married this November and i'd noticed one too many Facebook status' commenting on how she would never get in her wedding dress. This friend of mine had mentioned to me before that she'd love to do a mud run/obstacle run. So one day, I text her and said, that's it, we're entering in a race. You're getting in your wedding dress and i'm going to challenge myself to something new. So, we entered the Shropshire Follies 10k Mud Run to take part in September 2013. My friend, with a renewed enthusiasm, found a training plan online and we decided how we'd handle running. We both went to a great running shop in Coventry called Coventry Runner, we got fitted for proper running shoes and off we went. We went slow, and I mean slow and we chatted the whole time. After a few runs we ran for 40 minutes. FORTY MINUTES I TELL YOU! I'd never run for that long and I actually enjoyed it.
So we persisted, only running a maximum of twice a week. I had various hurdles (no pun intended) injuring my hip after a long treadmill run (another first), which I then got treated by the osteopath and my friend injuring her knee after a hill run. Rest helped both but that doesn't stop the frustrating or the realisation that running certainly is high impact on the joints.
The day arrived and we drove to shropshire and do you know what? WE DID IT! We ran the whole 10k including huge hills, muddy water, step (after step, after step) and a lot of puffing and panting. Am I now going for a marathon? No. Did I enjoy it? Actually yes! And I would do it again.
Our muddy, post race shoes!

So, remember that your body gets as bored as your head so a new challenge is a great stimulus. If you want to run, start slow, get the right shoes (a must) and try the chatting test to keep it slow. It was nice to show myself that although I can't do any physical challenge that I too can put myself out my comfort zone like I ask my clients to!

Till next time.....
Hannah Johnson
Chief Catalyst at Lean Body Vision


  1. Yes, I agree, Running is great :).

    Memorial Park - one of LBV's favourite Bootcamp locations - provides an excellent opportunity.

    Greeting other runners (& dog walkers grrr) with a hearty 'Good morning' shares the joy of the run and makes sure you know your not on your on in the venture. When you pass - or are passed by - other runners then an encouraging 'Keep going, keep it up' speaks encouragement to yourself as well as spurring them on.

    When you pass them the second time (probably because they are running the other way round the park!) then call out 'Go for it. You can do it!' and in so doing you'll be willing yourself on to the final leg of your own run which you can achieve with the even greater satisfaction that you have also helped others to reach their goal.

  2. Very positive encouragment and always good advice to watch out for dogs. Adding a few hurdles can be great for an extra work out though ;)

  3. I really don't like running and never have sprints I can do..just about.. (I even won the 100m and even the 200m at school at least twice in secondary school but I think that was more down to the other pupils being really bad!).

    However Bootcamp includes quite a bit of running, and since I started going in late August, two months later I can feel the difference. My stamina has improved and I cansometimes do it fairly satisfactorily, by which I mean I don't die halfway through, I am not always the 'last' person back, oh and I don't always wee myself...oops that's another story...(2 children...difficult births, that's all I am saying)

    I am not sure that I will ever be a runner, or that I will ever be interested in doing 'a run' but I can certainly feel the benefits, at least the amount we currently do at Bootcamp.

    You never know though do you....

    Anne-marie Greene

    1. Well that's an excellent point. Increasing your fitness in other ways is a massive plus and you certainly put the graft in at bootcamp. At the end of the day if you enjoy any time of cardiovascular activity then you're keeping your heart healthy as well as the rest of your body in check so keep it up ;)
