Wednesday 25 December 2013

Merry Christmas to you

Here it is, Christmas day. Can you believe it?! We wanted to take this time to wish you all a very merry Christmas and a fit and healthy year ahead for 2014. We also wanted to bring you all the news and highlights from 2013.

This years client highlights
A big one for us has been collecting up and finally publishing some of our "before" and "after" photos. They really show the hard work people have put in and also give us, as trainers, an immense sense of pride. They're not just about weight loss, they're about energy levels, skin clearing, self confidence and so many other factors that cannot be measured by photographs. However, the photographs are such a great way to look back and smile!

If we were to list individual clients in this post we could go on forever and ever but if you've been working with us this year or know someone who has you will know. So much weight loss, so much fitness improvement, so many physical and emotional challenges met. If you've challenged yourself then WELL DONE because you're already exceptional. Changing your body and improving your health is so important but it's not easy so massive well done to everyone who has pushed the limits this year.

Rachel's achievements
Rachel has had an amazing year, more than 12 months has flown since Rachel started at the studio and she's gone from strength to strength. Taking on more personal training clients, training to become a fitness pilates instructor and taking a weekly class on a Monday night. Becoming our first ever Earlsdon Bootcamp instructor and bringing a new lease of life to Monday bootcamp. Rachel works tirelessly and is booked on even more up and coming, exciting training courses next year including fitness for children. So watch this space! Rachel would like to thank everyone she's worked with and all her clients for working so hard, coming to her sessions and her classes and showing her just how rewarding working in the fitness industry is! Happy holidays from Rachel xx

Hannah's achievements
Hannah has had a crazy year. Ending work with the NHS last year and beginning studying Sport Massage Therapy, Hannah was MORE than ecstatic to pass her massage course in the summer of this year. It was a lot of hard work and study along side running the business and working with her lovely clients. It was a mental and physical challenge but putting into practise the last six months has been fascinating. Hannah really enjoys being able to help people out of pain and into movement and provide relief. One particular treatment of a lady who came in and couldn't raise her arm above her head, had treatment and regained 90% of movement just in one treatment - you don't get much more instant job satisfaction than that!
Hannah also completed her pregnancy massage course later this year and has enjoyed the quiet, relaxation of treating pregnant ladies in the therapy room at Lean Body Vision.

The last few months have been filled with planning and meetings and drawings and more meetings as we're planning to expand next year. We had the brilliant news yesterday that our Change of Use Planning application on a new premises has been fully accepted! We're not there yet as we're still negotiating on a new lease but it's a huge step closer. That has been a challenge but an exciting one and again - watch this space!

Hannah and Rachel have both completed courses this year from Vibe Cycle level 2, Fitness Pilates, Sports Massage Therapy and Pregnancy Massage to name but a few. Both Hannah and Rachel have multiple courses book next year and are always looking to better their knowledge and stay on top of the game to help you.

What's to come in 2014...
There are lots of exciting plans for next year from the new building, to kids fitness, our slimming club and everything in-between. We're also very much looking forward to April when we have a 56 strong team of bootcampers entered into the Wolf Run, a 10k obstacle and mud run! We will keep you posted on our facebook page and our blog so keep watching.
We'll be here in January with our detox programme, our bootcamp 4 days a week, our personal training studio 7 days a week and our Zumba, Fitness Pilates and Massage so get in touch and make this the year to treat your body how you should!

We'll leave you with our special advent burpee montage that we did for you all this Christmas. Take a few minutes and have a watch!


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